About Achor Global
Anaerobic digestion has been around for well over 100 years. It has mainly been used as a treatment and disposal process for organic waste. Recently companies
have once again been using this age old process to generate renewable energy. It has however proven to be inefficient and therefore limited in economic value.
Developed in Europe, Achor Global introduces a new technology which dramatically changes the face of the old process, known as Advanced Anaerobic
Digestion, while similar in some ways to the old process it has significant differences and uses our proven proprietary Achorlytic™ treatment.
The process is
- 100% environmentally friendly and natural
- Can use any organic waste stream
- Localised placement means less pressure on the mainline grid system
- Very low in energy demand
- Reduces landfill demand by up to 90%
- It has a low carbon footprint adaptable to be used in an existing anaerobic digestion systems
- Extremely cost effective and can reduce the overall capital cost of a new anaerobic digestive system by over 25%,thus
making the ROI much more appealing.
- It is scaleable - from retail premises, to commercial properties, to hotels & resorts, to all sizes and types of live stock farms, to municipal scale.