Achor Global is service-oriented.
At Achor Global, we employ a dedicated experienced team of micro biologists, process engineers and system engineers, all of whom have had many years
experience within the existing field of waste to power treatment plants. To this end we use their knowledge and expertise to offer to interested parties a number
of onsite services that allow then directly to assess the overall feasibility of their either existing anaerobic systems or carry out testing on the particular feedstock for
consideration of a new system. This analytical service is supplied in a number of detailed stages and can be purchased according to the detail the customer requires.
For more detailed information and a full list of services please complete the CONTACT form on the web site. Some examples include:
Analysis and assessmen
- Digester bio assessment and chemical profiling
- Recovery of recyclable materials that have been contaminated
- Microbiological assessment
- Determination of bio energy potential of feedstock
- Determination of co product potential of feedstock and output
- Identification of contaminants and inhibitors
System development and project technical support
- System modeling
- Plant design
- Project management and oversight
- Plant monitoring